What To Bring To Treatment

> 7 - 10 days' worth of clothing (casual, comfortable, and weather appropriate), swimsuit (summer months only), clothing for church (casual dress clothes)
> Housecoat, PJ’s, and house shoes
> Push Pins for bulletin board
> Laundry detergent (no bleach) and fabric softener
> Personal hygiene items…toothpaste, deodorant, etc. (no alcohol in any products, such as mouthwash, aftershave, and soap/sanitizer)
> Towels or washcloths
> Pillows and Bedding for twin-size bed (Bedding is provided, but you can bring your own if you would like!)
> Alarm clock or clock radio
> Spending money for in-house snack store, and money for essential items for weekly shopping.
> You may want to bring additional pens, pencils and paper
> Prescriptions (must be in original bottle prescribed in)
> Your favorite snacks or drinks

What Not To Bring To Treatment

> No pagers, laptops, computer equipment, or DVD players
> No weapons of any kind
> No cell phones
> No personal vehicles
> No energy drinks No aerosol sprays of any kind (deodorant, room air fresheners, etc.)
> No portable music listening devices are allowed (no iPods, no MP3 players, Walkmans, or CD players)
> No large stereo systems, like boom boxes or surround sound systems
> No electronic cigarettes or vaporizers
> No clothing apparel or products advertising alcohol or medications of any kind
> No protein powder, weight gaining or workout supplements of any kind

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